Channel Dynamics Simulator (CDS)
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Channel Dynamics Simulator™ (CDS)

What is a Channel Dynamics Simulator (CDS)?
The Rohner & Associates CDS program is a computer modeling environment that provides our clients with a street-level, transaction-based view of your sales environment, allowing channel strategy results to be modeled and understood.  CDS can model all of the elements of the sales system:

  • Sales Coverage, capacity and competency
  • Transaction lifecycles, deal profiles, mix and flow
  • Sales results of all channels
  • All in a run-time environment that is a client "take away" from the engagement.

Developed and refined over 10 years, the CDS codifies R & A channel expertise using a dynamic computer simulator approach. Instead of spreadsheet-based models, which are linear and prone to errors, dynamic simulators consider the “physics” of the systems, taking into account the numerous interdependencies of its elements.  This allows high-leverage points, shortfalls and even unintended consequences of a channel strategy to be vividly demonstrated.

To develop a CDS model for a specific client, we rely on a wide-range of tools, such as behavioral statistics (game theory), central composite designs, Bayesian Theory and other mathematical techniques to provide a comprehensive analysis of your channel strategy. However, the use of CDS by our clients does not require any knowledge of the above disciplines. The inputs to the model are via simple and easy to use dials, graphs and sliders, and the results are displayed in graphs and tables. The CDS is used by channel executives as part of their refinement and communication of channel strategy.

Why develop a CDS Model?
The rigor of developing a CDS model adds credibility to sales channel forecasts by demonstrating the intended and unintended consequences of your channel strategy. The model will quantify channel performance potential, and help establish metrics and a good understanding of the resources and time required to execute the strategy.

CDS is an effective and adaptable framework for planning, funding, and managing and achieving objectives:

  • Comprehensiveness: Develop scenarios that reflect probable market realities
  • Confidence and Conviction: Test assumptions via “what-if” and sensitivity analyses
  • Closed Loop: Compare actual results to predicted outcomes to keep strategies on track
  • Credibility: Demonstrate the quality and breadth of thought behind the plan
  • Communication: Build understanding, consensus and support through collaboration with required functions

CDS provides...

  • Insight into the channel critical success  factors that impact credibility of your revenue expectations
  • Insight that considers the likely channel uptake velocity of adoption and results
  • Insight that reveals the likely timing sequence and lead/lag factors in implementation
  • Insight that provides consequences of channel decisions
  • Insight that provides confidence through Rohner & Associates channel domain expertise

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